Thursday, October 21, 2010

Old Homesteads in Bruce Peninsula National Park

This is a great place to visit. There are a couple of old homesteads now owned by the Bruce Peninsula National Park of Canada. They are located in beautiful overgrown meadows.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Oreo Cookie Cows

You can see these cows on highway 6 heading towards Tobermory, Ontario.
The “Belted Galloway”, a hardy breed of Scottish Cattle, is distinctive because of the belted, white band evenly distributed around the mid section of the otherwise totally black animal.  Many breeders and cattle fanciers refer to the “belties” as Oreo Cookie Cows. 

Canada saw the first imports of this attractive breed in the early 1950’s, by H. Gordon Green.  Eastern Canadian provinces such as Ontario and Quebec today, have the largest concentration of these animals; Saskatchewan and Alberta have very few breeders, which make Belted Galloways much sought after in the Prairie and Western provinces. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

The Bruce Peninsula

Early mornings means little wind. These still pools of water on rock shelves and long 30 second exposures make an interesting photo.


These are some photos from Singing Sands.  This is a place where you get great reflections when the sun is low in the sky.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lion's Head Ontario

This week I attended a five day workshop with Don Martel.  We stayed in Lion's Head Ontario, a small resort town on Georgian Bay.  From that location we traveled around the Bruce Peninsula for early morning sunrises and late afternoon sunsets with lots of lectures in between. Don is a student and field instructor of Freeman Patterson and taught "Essentials of Approach and Principals of Visual Design'.  If you have a chance to take one of Don's workshops you will move into a new understanding of photography.  Don usually runs a Spring and Fall workshop each year.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Sauble Beach

On the way up to Lion's Head in the Bruce Peninsula  we stopped at Sauble Beach,  a small resort town on Lake Huron. You can drive your car right on to the beach for miles. During the summer it's hard to find an open area but this time of year we were the only ones around. The wind was creating 3 foot rollers and the sky was full of fast moving clouds.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Maple Sugar Bush

These photos are from the Alvinston Conservation Area. This is in the sugar maple bush area.  This is a great place to wander around. Lots of clearly marked trails. This time of year you have the woods all to your self.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Elk or Wapiti in Lambton County

While diving around yesterday I came across this farm raising Elk.  There were forty  or fifty does and young elk with one buck.  I pulled off to the side of the road and walked over to the eight foot high fence. They were very interested in me and posed for five minutes. After they felt I wasn't a danger to them they went on grazing.  Shot with Canon 7D and Canon EF 400 mm f5.6 USM lens.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Algonquin Park 2010

 Back again to Algonquin Park. This time to shoot moose with nature photographer Michael Bertelsen. This was a great week for the fall colours as well.

The first day we saw 7 moose at different locations around the park.

Young calf heading for the woods with mom.

This guy was swimming and then ran across the road in front of us.

Red Breasted Nuthatch
 The birds were very tame around the park and would eat crumbs out of your hand.

White Capped Sparrow

Poison Mushroom